The next Garden of the Gods Amateur Radio Club luncheon will be held on Monday, December 2, 2019 at Fargo's Pizza. We currently do not have a program scheduled so this is going to just be a social gathering.
Dave, K0IRP & Don, KI0IS
Yearly Archives: 2019
November Luncheon
The next Garden of the Gods Amateur Radio Club luncheon will be held on Monday November 4 at 11:30 A.M. at Fargo’s Pizza.
Don, WA9WWS, will give his presentation on ” tuning systems for short antennas” at our luncheon.
TNX Dave K0IRP and Don, KI0IS.
October Luncheon
The next Garden of the Gods Amateur Radio Club luncheon will be held on Monday, October 7th around 11:30 A.M. at Fargo’s Pizza, 2910 E. Platte Avenue.
The October program will be Kevin, K0BBA doing a presentation on “Standby Generators 101”. Types, Sizing, Brands, connections Etc.
Dave, K0IRP
HelloMy name is Jan Perry Esten and my Dad was a HAM for 65 continuous years and held licenses in foreign countries and the U.S.I have a couple of towers and a four element directional antenna. to get rid of. I would be glad to give them to someone who can use them. I live on Highway 24 between Divide and Florissant, mile marker 271.

J.P.310 662 3425 and text4569 W Highway 24Florissant Thanks.