Category Archives: IRLP

IRLP Hint #1

IMPORTANT: Whenever engaged in a conference using either IRLP or EchoLink, you must let the repeater drop its carrier to reset the internal IRLP/EchoLink timers.

Here is a current list of commands that are now available on the GGARC IRLP/EchoLink node:
a) 411 tells the node to ID itself
b) C says speak the current node time
c) CC says speak the current node date
d) Star (*) 69 is like on the phone tells the node to ID the last inbound call

And as before
a) Before you start always enter 73 to disconnect any active sessions.
b) A four digit codes connects the local node to the IRLP node with the 4 digit code. If you’re looking for possibilities, check out the list of IRLP nodes at
c) A Star (*) followed by a code, connects the local node to the EchoLink node with that ID. If you’re looking for possibilities, check out the search tool at