The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014

… our efforts with H.R. 4969 (“The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014”) have had measures of success; we intended to obtain 30 co-sponsors for the Bill and actually ended up with almost 70, and … we were able to amass an exceptional and surprising level of support for the Bill … .

… the Bill did not progress as far as expected. Nevertheless, the support generated will give us a significant head start in the 114th Congress beginning in January … .

We have in mind reassembling at least 60 of the cosponsors that we had for H.R. 4969 as original cosponsors for the new Bill which should give us momentum to obtain a much larger list of cosponsors, more positive visibility, more buy-in, and ultimately more traction in a usually sticky legislative process. We have also received interest from Senators in sponsoring a Senate version of the Bill.

So far, opposition from the one association representing HOAs has been only minimally active in attempts to oppose the Bill and they have been unsuccessful due to their misstatements of fact and mis-characterization of the actual effect of the legislation.

Many thanks to all of you who wrote, called, emailed, and personally visited your Congressional Representatives, …

Please stay tuned for next steps.

Brian Mileshosky N5ZGT, Rocky Mountain Division Director
Dwayne Allen WY7FD, Rocky Mountain Division Vice-Director
Division website: