from Jim Harris #2
Mfg Model No Description Qty Price Comments
Other Equipment
Yeasu FT-727R Handheld HT 1 70.00 Manual 4 Ants 4 Batrys chgr
Alinco DJ-175 Handheld HT 1 50.00 2 Mtrs only Charger
Unidon BC125AT Scanner 1 90.00
Bell Ind C-514-T Low Pass Filter 1 30.00 Rolloff>28.3 Mhz
Heathkit HD-15 Phone Patch 1 15.00
Byonics 2 mtr Foxhunt HT Keyer 1 50.00
RF Concepts FRC 2-23 2 mtr FM/SSB AMP 2W in 30W Out 50.00
Heathkit CI-10450 Auto Strobe Light 1 10.00
MFJ MFJ 836H SWR Wattmeter/RF Ammmeter 110.00
ST-500 110V-220V Stepdown Xformer 25.00
8 Assorted Vacuum Tubes 15.00
6146B Vacuum Tubes(pair) 2 40.00
Tube Tester 1 5.00 Old Paper roll torn-as is
Total 560.00
Package Deal 500.00 See Notes
Notes for all sale items (both posts)
- Ask questions before purchasing. Know what you are buying
- Most larger items have boxes and manuals except Diamond Pwr Supply
- Prefer to sell as packages but will sell items separately.
- Prefer items to be picked up on site. Can deliver based on item and distance.
- Transceivers will only be sold to licensed amateur radio operators.
- Contact Jim Harris, WOEM ph:: 719-641-8477 Email Jim wOem @
- If you are interested in any item contact me and likely we can work out a deal.
- I will combine items and give a reduced price.
- All offers cheerfully considered.
- All items as is and where is.