Please disseminate the following to GGARC members. Some of the dates below are before the planned GGARC meeting on 9/9 so I am trying to get the information out before then.
The below information is tentative, but The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC) officials wants to share it with all everyone. We are looking for people to volunteer to help with installing antennas and associated hardware at the Post Building. We hope to have more firm information as to dates by Sept 5, 2019. An update will be provided as soon as the following information is firmed up.
We are in the process of obtaining permission from the Post EC Board to place a V/UHF and HF antenna on the roof on the post’s building. We are hoping to have approval by Sept 5, 2019. There could be unforeseen circumstances that prevents approval. After approval, the club plans to have up to three work days to install antennas, run coax, wall penetrations and installing and connecting ground rods.
The three work days tentatively are Sept 7, 10 & 14, 2019, if we get approval by Sept 5. Exact dates and times are not definite and will be announced once the plan has been approved.
When work starts we will need several physically capable people to help with the work including climbing on the roof of the post building (one story up and mostly flat). If anyone would like to volunteer to help please email the club at or contact me at or by phone at 719-641-8477.
Don’t know if the above can be posted on the GGARC website or somehow sent out via email. Your help in getting the word out any way possible would be greatly appreciated.
We have been in contact with Ray Urerecken and he has already provided valuable help in getting our planning done for the antennas and ground.
Thanks guys,